The Mississippi Farm Bureau Federation is the largest general farm organization in the state, with 192,217 member families in 82 county Farm Bureaus. It is a voluntary, non-governmental, non-partisan organization of farm families seeking solutions to the problems that affect their lives, both socially and economically.
Farm Bureau is organized on a county, state and national level. The county is the nucleus of the organization. It is here that members join by payment of nominal annual dues which entitles them to a wide range of services and benefits of membership.
The policies and programs of Farm Bureau are developed from grassroots recommendations originating from the county Farm Bureau level. From these recommendations, policy resolutions are prepared and submitted to the MFBF House of Delegates for action at its annual meeting each December.
The House of Delegates is made up of representatives elected by members of the county Farm Bureaus. Resolutions that are passed on state matters become MFBF policy. Matters of national interest are forwarded to the American Farm Bureau Federation for consideration. The MFBF Board of Directors determines a program of activities based on action of the House of Delegates. That program is administered by MFBF officers and staff.